Build a strong character

Cheat Codes To Life At 20

  1. Compound interest. Start investing early and let returns multiply over decades. ‘It’s the eighth wonder of the world.’
  2. 80/20 principle. 80% of outcomes come from 20% of activities. Focus efforts on your vital few priorities. Eliminate the rest. Saves you from wasting time, energy, and headaches.
  3. Delayed gratification. Forgo instant pleasures for greater long-term rewards. Patience and discipline pay off. People who delay gratification are most likely going to become the best.
  4. Mental models. Learn key concepts from multiple disciplines to analyze problems from all angles.
  5. Habit stacking. Chain new habits onto existing routines to integrate them seamlessly. Start reading? Read while you take public transport.
  6. 10000-hour rule. Mastery requires massive amounts of deliberate practice over the years. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
  7. Value generation. Provide scarce solutions to pressing problems. Skills that create value will always be rewarded.
  8. 110% is impossible. Pace yourself for the long haul. Avoid burnout.
  9. Influence. Learn techniques of ethical persuasion and negotiation. Many doors open for those able to sway peers.
  10. Network power. Real opportunities come from people, not job boards. Nurture win-win relationships.
  11. Luck surface area. More experiments and chances taken increase the likelihood.
  12. Wealth-building assets. Accumulate income-generating assets that make money whether you work or not.
  13. Run cost/benefit analyses. Weigh the downsides and opportunity costs before acting. Think long-term impact.
  14. No zero days. Do at least one concrete thing daily for progression. Compounded micro gains add up.
  15. Mental contrasting. Envision future goals but also current reality checks to formulate a plan.
  16. Metabolism myths. Calories in, and calories out dictate weight. You can’t “boost” metabolism enough to compensate for a poor diet.
  17. Future pacing. Vividly imagine having achieved your goal. Raises confidence and motivation.
  18. Cognitive dissonance. Once we make a difficult commitment, our minds will find ways to rationalize it. Use this to cement change.
  19. Triggers. Engineer your environment and cues for desired habits to happen automatically.
  20. High-performance mindset. Train concentration and confidence with mental rehearsal. Become your best self first inwardly.
  21. Cost per use. Calculate cost over lifetime use rather than one-time price. A better metric for purchases.
  22. Sunk cost fallacy. Prior losses should not influence future decisions. Only prospective gains/costs matter.
  23. Vitamins are bunk. Eat real food over synthetic vitamins. Most multivitamins just produce expensive urine.
  24. Survivorship bias. We only see success stories, not the far greater failures. Don’t be misled by cherry-picked examples.
  25. Willpower muscles. Strengthen willpower by exerting it. Like a muscle, it fatigues without training. Start small.
  26. Lifestyle creep. Increasing your means also raises spending if you’re not mindful. Save raises rather than inflate lifestyle.
  27. Hedonic adaptation. We quickly adjust to new income and possessions. Chasing external rewards is often unfulfilling after the high. Find purpose.
  28. Iterate. Try endless small experiments to build skills fast. You learn more from many small fails than a few big bets.
  29. Bottlenecks. Identify roadblocks holding you back, then focus efforts on eliminating them first.
  30. Feedback loops. Seek regular candid feedback to course correct. Don’t rely on assumptions.
  31. Stress antibodies. Inoculate yourself by intentionally experiencing manageable forms of stress. Bounce back stronger.
  32. Rate limiting steps. Improve the slowest high-leverage step in a system to boost the entire process.
  33. Parkinson’s Law. Work expands to fill the time available. Impose constraints via deadlines to increase efficiency.
  34. Anxiety alchemy. Reappraise anxiety as excitement. Both produce similar physical arousal. Reframe it.
  35. Beginner’s mind. Approach old problems as if for the first time. Fresh eyes prevent mental ruts.
  36. Occam’s Razor. Simpler solutions are often correct ones when problem-solving. Don’t overcomplicate.
  37. Opportunity cost. Evaluate choices by the value of the next best alternatives you’re forgoing. Weigh tradeoffs.
  38. Ladder of inference. Question assumptions and trace back to raw data. Don’t leap to conclusions.
  39. Hanlon’s Razor. Assume ignorance over malice. Don’t attribute to ill intent what can be explained by misunderstanding.
  40. Attitude of gratitude. Write down a few things you’re grateful for each day. Gratitude boosts happiness and resilience.
  41. Progress compounds. Small improvements accumulate exponentially over time into profound change. Start.
  42. Practice mindfulness. Take 5-10 minutes daily to sit quietly and focus on your breathing. When your mind wanders, gently return focus to your breath.

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